23.02.2005  Linktip 
Development of the Danube RBM Plan

Development of the Danube RBM Plan - implementation phase

    Danube Countries
    • national tasks
    • harmonise results with neighbours
    • report on progress

    ICPDR ensures basin-wide coordination and harmonisation of RBM Plan

    Danube River Basin Management Plan

    National Plans (part B) and
    Contributions for part A

    ICPDR Secretariat
      prepares Roof RBM Plan

    Danube Countries
    • programme of measures
    • harmonise measures with neighbours
    • National RBM Plan

    Roof RBM Plan
    - Part A

    Public information and consultation process

  • UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project
  • EC/ISPA Pilot river basin projects
  • Twinning projects

    Dr. Ursula Schmedtje

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